Complete Your D.O.T. Physical At Sebenaler Chiropractic

Dr. Sebenaler is a Certified (#3085141723) Medical Examiner on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Dr. Sebenaler has performed hundreds of examinations for a variety of companies and individuals, with D.O.T. cards issued at completion. One block from the M.N. Dept of Vehicle Services.

Call us today at 952-448-9908 to schedule your D.O.T. physical. 

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What Is A DOT Physical Exam?

A Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) physical is a health test mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. A DOT physical helps conclude if a driver is physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to operate a commercial vehicle. FMCSA requires you to complete and pass a D.O.T. physical to own a valid commercial driver's license (CDL). The D.O.T. physical will consist of:

  • Vision and hearing testing to ensure that you can hear and see adequately
  • A comprehensive physical exam
  • Urine analysis to test for kidney problems, diabetes, or infection

D.O.T. Testing Procedure

During a D.O.T. physical, Dr. Sebenaler will review your medical history, check your vital signs, and perform a required physical examination. Your results will be reported electronically to the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) after exam completion. Certified drivers will receive a copy of the Medical Examiner's Certificate.

To schedule your D.O.T. exam call our office today at 952-448-9908. 

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